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Homeland Security Innovation Summit - Portland
Wednesday, February 07, 2018, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM PDT
Category: Training

Homeland Security Innovation Summit 

DATE: Wednesday, February 7, 2018

TIME: 10:00AM - 2:00PM

LOCATIONClackamas Community College Harmony Campus -

7738 SE Harmony Road, Milwaukie, OR Community Room, First Floor  


COST: Before January 31: $135 || After January 31: $170
*PNDC Members log in to save $50 off of the lowest available non-member price*

The Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition welcomes:

Jaclyn Smyth, Executive Director (Acting), Strategic Programs Division, Department of Homeland Security

Katrina Brisbon, Assistant Administrator for Contracting and Procurement, Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

Jeff Jackson, Deputy Chief Component Procurement Officer, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


What It Is:
This event offers opportunities and connections to highlight your innovative products and services directly to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials. DHS is looking for suppliers that can solve big challenges with solutions in areas of unmanned vehicles (air, land & underwater), artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, optics, first-responder medical technology, tactical equipment & apparel, emergency management supplies, and more. 

Find out how you can support Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs & Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services, U.S. Coast Guard, Federal Emergency Management (FEMA), U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), U.S. Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration (TSA)…. and grow your business!!   

Who Should Attend:
Middle and upper managers, business development and contracting officers from primes and subcontractors in industries that support, or seek to support, all DHS agencies. DHS is particularly interested in start-up and innovated new businesses that are not already doing business with DHS.


Thank you to our Sponsors:



A limited number of companies will have an opportunity to join DHS speakers at a private breakfast and display tables tour. Speak directly with these DHS officials and demonstrate your product, technology, or service. In addition, sponsors receive heightened recognition and exposure on event promotions.
Sponsorship includes priority seating, 2 attendee passes, and additional marketing opportunities*.
Sponsorship is $900 for PNDC Members/ $1200 for Non-Members.
* Additional customized sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Kate Kanapeaux for more details.

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*Speakers subject to change

New or newer to government contracting? Free support is available through GCAP (Oregon companies) and PTAC (Washington companies). Assistance includes: one-on-one counseling to identify appropriate federal, state, and local markets for your products/services; help registering with Dun & Bradstreet and SAM; guidance on obtaining and maximizing state and federal certifications; and training on how to find federal and state contracting opportunities.